Make Our Announcement & Reminder Bot Your Own With A Custom Discord Bot.
Alongside being the most powerful announcement and reminder bot for Discord. With our dashboard you can create, format, schedule and manage every announcement and reminder across your server.
You can also create your very own custom message sending bot to deliver every single message to your server.
Your Own Custom Announcement And Reminder Bot!
Create Announcements & Reminders Using Our Dashboard & Have Your Own Bot Handle The Delivery!
With dotNotify, you can use our dashboard to create, schedule and manage all of your server announcements and reminders.
With our premium plan, you can create and connect your own custom Discord bot to do all of the message sending on your server.
Your community and server members see your bot with every announcement and reminder that is sent.
Customize Your Own Bot Avatar & Name.
Your custom bot is yours and you can customize your bot avatar and name to match your server and community brand.
Once connected to the dotNotify dashboard, you can manage your bot name and avatar right from your dashboard. You can edit this whenever you want.
Connect & Create Your Own Custom Announcement & Reminder Bot.
Simple & Easy Setup. No Technical Or Coding Experience Required.
Setting up your custom bot inside of dotNotify is easy and takes just a few minutes. You don’t need any coding or technical experience at all.
We guide you through the entire process step by step.
If You Want To Create & Manage Your Very Own Announcement & Reminder Bot Without The Costs & Time Of Coding Your Own, You Just Found The Ultimate Tool!
Ready To Get Started With dotNotify? Connect Below Now And Check It All Out For Yourself.

The best Discord bot for scheduling messages, reminders & announcements.